Mission Pa Rin (Again)
WAVES So if you remember my last email about the pastor debating with me this story is about what happened because of that. Ok so where it took place was in this super poor squatters area in our area and so basically everyone knows everyone because in these squatters areas the walls are like paper thin and they all live right next to each other. They all kinda rely on each other like if the jeepnie driver didn't make enough money to feed his family that day he can just go to his neighbors and they will give him food and then the next day he has a better day so he just like shares his food with everyone. This is just so awesome, you gotta love Filipinos! Anywho so word spread about what happened with the pastor. Because they heard about that we have had a few people come up and be like yoooo are you that white dude that speaks Tagalog and debated with the INC (Iglesia ni Christo) ? and I'm just kinda like yeah that's me! And then they are like no way! We can...