Life is Great!!

Pretty sure that is the back of Adam's head Zone Conference games Sorry I'm emailing late today because we were building one of the members houses all day which was awesome! I just wanted to say enjoy life cuz honestly guys life is beautiful! I know life can be freakin' palpak but you gotta just be happy. That's the number one thing I've learned out here like this is probably the happiest I've ever been! I still walk miles everyday, I still shower in water imported from Antarctica, I still miss you guys... well some of you guys, I still have to battle elephant eating insects, I still have to eat pigs intestines and other weird foods, I still don't get any Cafe Rio or chocolate milk or pumpkin cookies or... I gotta stop with that or Imma cry but . . . Masaya pa rin! (still happy) Everyone has been telling me "Just enjoy your mission and lose yourself in the work" and I felt bad that I was still so sad to be dealing with all the...