Beef Stroganoff-- Apparently Filipinos are not a fan

Angry man: Pretty self explanatory
Elder Roberts ruined Christmas!: How I ruined Christmas...

Angry man
So me and my comp are going to district meeting and we are kind of in a hurry and as we are leaving our landlord tries to talk to us. My comp is trying to catch a jeep so he just keeps walking and leaves our landlord and here's the thing our house sucks enough so I was like "yo Imma fix whatever he needs" so I stop to talk to him and my comp comes back talks to him for like 5 seconds then is like "K lets go." and so I was like "OK" so we leave. Well we missed the jeep and were just there waiting for the next one and our landlord comes up and just loses it on us. He's basically just saying like "Mormons suck you Mormons are so rude!" and he kept yelling at both of us but every time he'd look at me I'd just pretend I didn't understand so I accessed first week me and just smiled and nodded and he kept looking at me and saw I didn't understand so he just like yelled at my comp. I understood everything he isn't kicking us out yet so that's good.

Elder Roberts ruined Christmas!

So for Christmas we went to one of the families in our ward and they asked me to cook some american food... because I'm not an idiot, I made sure they made most the food but I made one american dish I made beef stroganoff because that's easy and meat, and meat and carbs is all they eat here, so I thought maybe they would like it. Holy cow I was ever so wrong! It was so funny, they hated it! And here's the thing Filipinos are deadly honest about appearance, like if you are ugly they will say you are ugly. But when it comes to food they will lie like crazy. You don't say you don't like someones food.  

Well they hated my food but they are all trying to be nice so they all like get some and pretend they like it. But no joke like they are like just choking it down and then they start like calling each other out because they all only got a bit because they knew they wouldn't like it. So really it was just what I ate that was missing and like tiny dents that they ate. So they are like "Hey she didn't eat any!" And then she'd be like "No I did! It was so good!"  And then someone would say "If it was good eat more!" and she'd be like "I don't think you ate any!" But the funniest was the mom shes like choking down a whole plateful. Just trying to do anything to make it taste better she's putting like rice, soy sauce, chili sauce, like all the typical things Filipinos like trying to save this horrendous excuse for food.

It was by far one of the funniest experiences here so far.

Here's the recipe that they hated. My family loves it!!


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