Nearer my God to thee

Ok its time for 100% honesty the last two weeks have by far been the most difficult time of my life! I can also see how they are for my benefit! Someone told me my future children are watching me right now and that made me think about how these struggles aren't just making me a better missionary but a better future father and husband! I'm going to split up the stories from this week again. 1. Patotoo (T estimony) : A story about me bearing my testimony 2. Lumalakad (G oing) : How I travel 3. Pagkain (Food): The food here 4. Mga bagay maliit ( Little things) : The story of going shopping last week Patotoo (T estimony) OK so me and my comp are teaching a lesson to an investigator who we will just call Sister Investigator. So I can't speak alot of Tagalog because the language is so difficult! (I'll start telling you guys more about the language in another email). Anywhooo so a lot of the lessons consist of my c...