Hey, we went to the temple today so I'll be sending pictures in a minute but other than that just get ready for some pretty cool things to happen over the next 3 weeks Dec 11, 2017 Dear Adam, Thinking about your sweet letter today about going on Splits and your realization that Jesus Christ is always your companion. Thought about several scriptures that reminded me of your experience. First was 2 Nephi 4: 35 especially “I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss” Love your testimony that he truly provided abundantly in your time of need. Loved Mormon 9:34 “none other people knoweth our language, therefore he hath prepared means for the interpretation thereof.” You may feel like your Tagalog is trash but I testify to you through the power of the Holy Ghost you can be used as a tool to speak with the Tongue of angels and speak to the understanding of those who will listen the words of Christ. (2 Npehi ...
The Problem OK so I was preferring to have no one know this but this story is pretty funny so I'll just tell you. Both the toenails on my big toes decided to go into all out rebellion and tried to dig for gold in their designated toes. it didn't start out that bad. What caused it is since it's the rainy season right now I've been wearing these airtight water proof rubber shoes and they are nice for keeping water out but they are pretty tight so it caused the little chitin monsters down stairs to go on strike. Which was just kinda painful. But then they went into all out rebellion when I decided to listen to their painful objections, and wore my normal shoes. My normal shoes do not have the helpful function of being water proof when the rains came down and the floods came up. So my feet got soaked and apparently toenails do not like being soaked in filthy poisonous Filipino rain water so they were completely irate and just made a massive mess of the mining sight t...
Ok so here's the thing I've been in the mission for a while now! (14 months) and i had something happen that hasn't happened my entire mission! I had an investigator who had her prayers answered through a dream OK so here's the story. So we go to one of our investigators who we have been teaching for a while but has only gone to church once but loves the lessons but isn't showing a lot of progression outside of the lessons so we come in kinda getting the listen we love teaching you and we love you guys thing going but we might not teach you as much anymore talk going. Basically the friend zone of missionary work Anywho before I do that I get some followup going ask her about prayer and she's like a pray every night. Prayers good! Aight um hows your Book of Mormon reading goin? and shes like well I read Alma 25. Which I'm thinking like "Uhhh that's not what we had assigned but hey she read! Thats awesome!" So im like ...
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