Temple November 5, 2018
Hey, we went to the temple today so I'll be sending pictures in a minute but other than that just get ready for some pretty cool things to happen over the next 3 weeks

Dec 11, 2017
Dear Adam,
Thinking about your sweet letter today about going on Splits
and your realization that Jesus Christ is always your companion. Thought about
several scriptures that reminded me of your experience. First was 2 Nephi 4: 35
especially “I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God
will give me, if I ask not amiss” Love your testimony that he truly provided
abundantly in your time of need.
Loved Mormon 9:34 “none other people knoweth our language,
therefore he hath prepared means for the interpretation thereof.” You may feel
like your Tagalog is trash but I testify to you through the power of the Holy
Ghost you can be used as a tool to speak with the Tongue of angels and speak to
the understanding of those who will listen the words of Christ. (2 Npehi 32:2)
Loved the success you were able to find on your splits and
the increase in your confidence as you “went forth not knowing beforehand the
things which you should do.” 1 Nephi 4:6. Love that you had the best companion
of all in the Savior. I loved that you were patient with what seemed a “waste
of time” in going to the members house to change and found a new investigator
there in his neighbor.
This year I have had about 5 different opportunities to
serve others at Christmas fall into my lap. It has been weird because I have
not had that experience before. Mostly just taking care of our family has been
There was a sister missionary in the Philippines who posted
on a Facebook group I follow called “Many are called but few are sisters”.
Sisters get on and post questions and share their excitement for their mission
call on it. Anyway, she posted “I am from the Philippines and got called to serve
in Washington DC what should I wear.” And all the Americans started talking
about leggings and boots and coats and I started thinking about how she would
not have access to that kind of thing in her country even if she knew what it
was they were talking about. And how expensive it would be and if she even
could find it and what was her finances like. Anyway, she weighed on my heart
and I reached out and found out that she is one of 10 children and her father
died. She is paying for her own mission and probably getting help from the
church?? Not sure.
I have been collecting clothes and warm things for her here
because she was supposed to go to the Provo MTC and I thought I could deliver
it there. But so far she hasn’t gotten her visa. She is going to the Philippines
MTC now and to your mission until her visa comes. So if you meet Sister Banluta
that is the long story of how I “know” her. We have been praying as a family
she will get her visa soon and get to come to Provo so we can give her the
things we have gathered.
Love you forever and ever and looking forward to my favorite
Christmas present this year (your call)
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