Pasko Na Naman

Hey everyone Merry Christmas!

Things are going really well here just a few stories this week 

English Investigator
Yeah so we have an investigator currently who is half Filipino half American from California so I taught L1 and L2 last week for the first time in English and I'mma be real teaching in English is a whole different experience its like easier in some ways but harder in others like the cool thing about Tagalog is there isn't a ton of synonyms like there is for English for example there is angry, mad, livid, and like a billion others but in Tagalog there is just Galit which means all of those and if you want to make it like a stronger kind of mad you just say Galit na galit so its easier to express things sometimes but harder to explain things in nice simple ways like you can in Tagalog also one of the problems with English is that I'm only used to talking to other missionaries in English so I kept calling our investigator Elder haha (I prefer teaching in Tagalog) the nice thing is the kid knows little of Tagalog so me putting the random Na's, Diba's, and ba's and other random stuff that I'm just so used to saying now didn't really phase him too bad

Yeah we got another baptism his name is Kyle he is the son of a less active we have been helping get back to church (see pic bellow)

So here's something kinda fun I have been getting all of the Elders I know that are from areas that speak Bisaya (one of the most common dialects here) teach me their language and now I speak it decently well (mostly just like introductory questions and answers)  and understand a lot of it and it is so fun because as soon as I find out that our investigators are from areas that speak this dialect I will start speaking Bisaya with them and everytime they are like wooooahhh whatttt?? This white guy speaks both Tagalog and Bisaya??? and then they will ask like how did you learn?? and I'm like haha im from cebu and they are like whaatt?? why are you white?? are you half Filipino? (bunch a racists) and im like no both my parents are Filipino im just albino and it usually results in them either being like nooo! i know you are from america! or them feeling to uncomfortable to argue and being like oh ok... and then me being like just kidding im from america but one time they said like oh yeah that makes sense i was wondering why your Tagalog had a Cebuano accent which hearing that made me super happy
Anywho thanks for everything love you guys!


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