Tatoo Dude

Alrighty so yeah I still  haven't seen conference because of the time difference we don't watch it till next week (it wouldn't really make sense to watch Saturday conference on Sunday and Sunday conference on Monday)

But anywho thanks for the spoilers everyone (mostly just grandma) but its all good because we had a straight miracle happen this week so let me tell you fools about it because it was legit! 

So here's the thing since I have gotten to this area we have been teaching this girl named Ashante and she loves the lessons and going to church and her mom and sister are both members but her dad apparently hates other religions other than his own 

So my first week me and my companion went on splits and he went to Ashante's house to teach her and apparently her dad went nuts on him and basically like made him leave and stuff. No good apparently so my first companion in this area was just terrified of this dude 

It doesn't help that her dads got like 2 feet of hair is covered in tattoos and piercings. So my comp was like yo I'm never going back. I thought I was going to get beat up.

So that made me a lil' hesitant to go over there and in all the lessons with Ashante and her mom they would tell me how he would just yell and stuff and i was like hmmm... lil sketchy 

But two weeks ago I was teaching Ashante and she talked about how bad she wanted to get baptized and how when she felt like her dad would never let her. So i was like alright its time for me to man up a bit and talk to mister tattoo  so i told her and her mom I was going to talk to Brother Tattoo and they were both like no he will get mad! He will be so mean to you! 

And I was like yeah that's ok and then I started asking questions about what he believed and why he didn't like us so they told me this guy loves the bible. Especially the Old Testament and is super religious and he had heard a bunch of stuff about Mormons and how we are evil or something and whatever else and I was like ok.

So the next week you had best believe I went all out on my Old Testament I've already studied my New Testament pretty hard because that's usually what I have to use for investigators that have actually read the Bible and are hesitant about what we teach. But she had specifically said he loved the Old Testament so yeah that's what I'mma be teaching from anywho so I've been fasting and praying and like yooo don't let this dude kill me or my brand new nontagalog speakin comp and so Sabodo rolls around and we go to their house and there's sister sitting outside and bro she is just straight sweating bullets. Like you can tell she is scared for us and yeah that was great for my confidence. Thanks lady, so we come up and she's like "Listen just teach Ashante here outside our house. Don't talk to him he's already in a really bad mood."

But here's the thing I knew I had to talk to this dude so I was like "No its fine we have to talk to him." so then something that's just great happens all of a sudden the dads dog just makes a break for it darting out of their house. So they call him to go get his dog and he comes out shirtless covered in tattoos and with nipple rings and all other kinds of piercings and he looks royally pissed and he says "Anong problema natin?!" (What's your problem?!) 

And yep and right there I peed my pants like yep shoulda waited another week of hardcore fasting and study imma die right now but i managed to get our "wala tayong problema gusto lang po namin kayo kusapin" (we got no problem we just want to talk to you) so hes like aight imma go get my dog real quick so me and my comp are just sitting there and comes back carrying his dog and im  just  prayin soooo hard in my mind he then returns his dog and then says "pasensya nagalit lang ako sa asawa ko so totoo lang gusto ko ang mga amerikano" (sorry i was just mad at my wife truthfully i like americans) so we proceed to brt the crap outa this guy i litterally tried to talk to this guy about anything and everthing his his dog (that was pretty easy for me), his work, his family, his tattoos straight up anything and he really starts to warm up to us and then i felt like aight its time! so we started talking about religion we had a really awesome discussion about the bible and then hes like wait how do you know so much about the bible i thought your guys bible was that mormon book and i was like well actually and then proceeded to explain how the book of mormon was an addition to the bible and we just talk about it for a good while which obviously brought up joseph smith so i was like well actually is it ok if we pray real quick which he was like "yes!" so we pray and then we taught him lesson one and at the end of the lesson he was yeah i will read the book of mormon and i will tell you about it the next time you guys come (he wants us to come back!) and then hes like and maybe ill come to your guys church with my family some time anywho it was awesome we left and we turned the corner and then i was just like clicking my heels and just like so pumped like right there i understood how happy ammon was it was so awesome anywho so at church yesterday his wife comes up to me and is like thank you so much for coming he said he wants you to come back next week and teach him again so yep we are going back on saturday so yeah it was a pretty great week


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