
So I'mma start out with saying that training an American has made me way less excited to come home. Don't get me wrong he's a super nice guy and I think we get along really well (he probably hates me considering how I felt about my trainer) but just I've gotten way worse at English (I talk like I'm like a 12 year old immigrant gangster because all that's left of my English is simple English and slang haha hindi mabuti)  but its all good.

Also here's a story that happened the other day so here in the Philippines there are sooooo many ants and they are everywhere like it'll be like I'm eating a sandwich at my desk and then I walk away for like 2 seconds come back and boom! The sandwich is just covered in ants like it'll be like I put some food in my back and at the end of the day I open my bag which I've been carrying around all day and boom yep full of ants.

It's the worst and here's the thing these little monsters bite and their bites hurt and not just do their bites hurt but they itch for like 5 days after and the swell up like bigger than mosquito bites. I have always been a fan of animals and just kinda been chill about bugs and stuff but if I could eliminate these freaking ants off the planet no hesitation I would. 

But I have a story which has sealed my hatred for these freaking ants. So my new companion left his food that he brought from America in our study room so these ants are all over our study room and we've been working on getting rid of them but the other day I was taking a shower and after I used my towel and I came out with it wrapped around my waist and then I feel these really sharp stings on my legs shoulder and chest. I'm like what is happening to me and then I see the little tiny black demons covering my body and realize that my towel is covered in them and that they are just going to town biting me. So yeah I got completely wrecked by these ants like if you saw my legs and left shoulder right now 3 days later you would be thinking I got some skin disease or something haha, anyways I hate ants haha that's all.

Orrrr iss it??? 

Hahaha we also got two baptisms this week which was awesome two little girls who's families were (emphasis on were) less active:) 

Thanks for the love and support love you guys!


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