Good Stuff 2 Sept 17, 2018 What I learned from Samantha

Yeah things are going good.  I finally have a companion his name is Elder Wood notice the name is not Elder Kahoy (which means wood in Tagalog).  It's Elder Wood which means this dude is an American Oh yeah and hes brand new in the mission and so hasn't had a ton of experience in Tagalog so..... haha patay tayo dian! haha but its all good because I'm a Filipino. Anyways so we'll be fine! haha 

But finding has been great because now literally everyone's head turns because we got two times the white guy so yeah I'm training again which I mean that's fine I guess "Na sanay na ako (I'm used to it)" 

But more cool news because I'm the district leader I interview the missionaries in my districts investigators and so last Sunday I got to interview this little girl named Samantha who has cancer and is just the nicest little girl in the whole world.

She's way pumped for her baptism! At the end of her interview I had her give the prayer and in it she thanked God for her recovery and asked him to bless her friends who were still at the children's hospital 

which, freak ... . .  thanks for making me cry Samantha,  but yeah she's awesome! 

Just goes to show no matter how bad you got it you can always be thankful and look out for others. 

Love you all:)


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