Binyaaggg 3/17/2018

Yep so this week we baptized 4 more people they are all freaking awesome and were so excited to be baptized! 

So yeah I'll send y'all the pictures of that!

Just a few stories this week about how awesome and funny the people are here

Buhok: that means hair 
Umutut: I won't tell you what this one means

Ok so this story starts with my companion and me sitting on the floor of this Filipinos house teaching a bunch of kids (the are the nieces of one of the members and they are progressing like crazy they are so beast) 

Anywho, so were teaching these kids and as we are this little ten year old girl who is so adorable keeps like glancing up at my hair and every time she would she'd suddenly like flip her eyes back down to the pamphlet that we were using to teach. But pretty soon her eyes would slowly wander back to my hair and then like her hand starts twitching along with her eyes and then she'd whip them both back down and be like "No no I gotta pay attention to the elders lesson". Anywho this cycle goes on for a little and then all of a sudden in the middle of me saying like "Jesus loves you." or something boom she stands up super fast runs her hand through my hair and then sits down like in one instant. It was crazy like I think she was planning on doing it so fast that I wouldn't even notice well I noticed. So yeah after I kinda stopped talking because I was so surprised and she's sitting on the ground looking at her hand just saying like "kulot..." (which means curly) under her breath and the funniest thing was everyone else was like man why'd you stop?? yeah after that I got a haircut which was a bummer.

Ok again this story starts with us sitting on the floor of a house in a squatters area teaching a lesson I'm pretty sure it was law of chastity because I felt like the attitude was like super serious. Anywho again I'm talking and suddenly one of the girls we are teaching (we are teaching about 6-7 15-17 year old girls and one 21 year old guy) just yells "Ohhhh Donna mabaho!!" ("Oh Donna that is stinky") and then everyone else in the room just loses it like "Oh man sobrang mabaho!! ("very stinky") and the one who farted Donna is just sitting there like half laughing at destroying everyone in the room in just one move but also embarrassed because the Elders are here and I'm just doing my best to regain the control of the room and teach the lesson.

So I'm like trying my best not to laugh and bring everyone in.  Well one of the girls thought the reason I reacted that way was because I didn't understand what happened. So in her broken English she tries to explain to me that Donna farted.  So she says like "Elder Donna she.. uhhh.. she did a bomb bomb" yeah that's when I lost it. Like that's the best way she could describe farting to me so I was like "Oo alam ko umutut siya" (yeah i know she farted) and then they are all like what is umutut in english??? So yeah I lost all control of that lesson and so we just kinda said a closing prayer and came back and retaught the lesson but it was a funny experience!
I felt like I should probably put something spiritual in here so yeah I'll just talk about the baptism more! So yeah we baptized a 63 year old woman, a 23 year old woman, and a 15 year old girl along with her 12 year old brother. it was awesome! 

But also nasty as frick because the elders before us didn't drain the font and it had been... 3 months!! Since the last baptism so the water is this beautiful shade of brown with like 50 floating dead cockroaches in it and again these are Filipino cockroaches so they all are like two feet tall and 100 lbs, not really!  the biggest one was probably only about 3 inches but stilll cleaning out their corpses and cleaning the water was pretty bad and then having to bleach the whole font because we dont want to be giving people some swamp virus from getting in the water yeah it was crazy but they were all baptized and it was awesome! 
ayun lang! love you guys!


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