BINYAG (Baptism) D&C 18:15 OK , so here's the thing, missionary work will just beat the crap out of you some days! (most days) My time here has by far been the hardest, some days saddest, and loneliest time of my life. And here's the thing, no one really appreciates how hard you are trying with the language especially when you aren't good at speaking the language. I think they all kinda assume you just aren't trying. But the reality is I have been working the hardest I've ever worked at anything! But all the efforts, headaches, sweat and tears have all been made worth it! This week we baptized three people and one of them looked back at me after I baptized her with tears in her eyes and said "Thank you." I would go through 5 years of what I have gone through to feel that joy! How blessed am I that I got it after just 6 weeks? It's been real good love you all! Love, Elder Roberts D&C 18:15 ...