First MTC email

Well I finally made it to pday! Its been such an amazing and trying week but above anything else this week has taught me that I am in no way qualified for this mission! 

I am not patient enough to deal with a companion, I am not smart enough to learn Tagalog, I am not disciplined enough to wake up at 630am everyday, 

But despite all these short comings I know that through Christ I can successfully complete this mission. Philippians 4: 13

Here are all the resources I need for learning Tagalog. 
I find myself wishing more and more I could have a tablet.

The first thing the MTC president said to us was how he knew Spanish but went to the Philippines as a mission president and had to give a talk in Tagalog. He thought "How different could Spanish really be from Tagalog?" and then told us that the Spanish word for faith was el fait or something like that, well in Tagalog faith is pananampalitya. No joke hearing that made me feel so intimidated. But I know that through Christ and the spirit i can do anything. Even learn this extremely difficult language! 

Love you all!

Elder Roberts
Just in case any of you forgot my beautiful face

Tthis isn't my companion but he's by far the coolest guy in our district.  He's from Kiripas (I think that's what he said)
Any-who he was like "Hey let's take a selfie" so we did and here it is.

Feels good to finally have the tag on!

​Thanks to all the wonderful people who sent me packages. You are all the best love you all so much!


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