The Rains came down and the Floods really came up

Thursday August 8th, 2018 Manila

So this week has been CRRRRRAZY with the rain. I'm pretty sure someone forgot he promised not to flood the earth again because holy cow it just hasn't stopped raining here! 

So here's the story that happened Saturday so we wake up and its raining kinda hard but its the rainy season here so we are like yeah what else is new? But the rain just keeps going and getting stronger, but still not concerned we get a few warnings on our phone about orange rainfall but we get those all the time now so whatever not a big deal it gets to the point were we get the code red rainfall warning but we are still like whatever its like 8am at this point so we start our personal study we are a little apprehensive because the rain is just not letting up and it is like hammering our roof "Whateves" so we get a text from the Zone leaders basically like be careful and know that its safety first if there's bad flooding like "Its ok if you have to stay home today!" so our kabahays (room mates) are like sweet! kick back and just kinda chill 

But I was like "Nah its not that bad we are going to work." so yeah I take my poor brand new mtc missionary (he's a Filipino visa waiter going to Korea by the way) and we just brave the storm

So we are out there and we go to a few of our investigators houses and see that yep there is at least a good foot of water where we were planning on going so we are like "Yeeeah lets try these other investigators that live over here!" Yeah a good foot too so we are drenched now despite our umbrellas and the rain is just getting stronger and I know what you guys are thinking use this as an opportunity for service but everyone I asked "Hey can we help you get the water out of your house?" to was like "Nah bro you are white go home bro!" (That's almost a direct quote just translated in English) So I'm like aight we cant do anything and we live outside of our area so if we stay here longer we might not be able to get home so I called it so we decide to go and wait for a jeep to go home and because of all the flooding and the madness here there was not a single jeep that wasn't completely full so I'm like well Ok lets try to walk a bit this way and catch a jeep over there so yeah we tried that for a good hour and eventually I was like Ok looks like we are walking bro so as we are walking we see the reason as to why so few jeeps were coming through and why traffic was so backed up the part of the highway that we need to take to go home has a good 600 meters of it just submerged under like water that went past my knees so like only the bravest drivers were going through it.

I saw that and i was just like "Awwww heck no!" so we sit there for a bit looking at the ocean of flood water and here's the thing when I say flood water I'm not talking like clear Dasani drinking water this stuff is black, like straight black, and you can see all kinds of crap (literally in some cases) just floating in it. And being here in the Philippines for a year has given me a pretty good idea how filthy the streets are here so I'm sitting there like do I walk through this? and again the rain isn't letting up and there's no one who will give us a ride through it and we gotta get home before the problem gets worse so I'm just like aight screw it so we walk through this river of filthiness that I'm pretty sure was way worse than the one in Lehi's dream and we aren't the only ones there is straight up like 100's of people walking through the water too but the funny thing is every time they would see the white guy doing it they would be like "May baha!" (which basically means there is a flood here) "Yeah thanks didn't notice the water up to my knees but now that you pointed it out I will now stop walking through the flood thank you ingat po!" 

Anyways eventually we get to the other side and from there were able to get a jeep and go home safely but yeah that happened. 

Love you guys I'm outta time now so i hope you are all happy


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