Lots of things and Mother's day call

Baptism So yeah last Saturday we baptized one of our investigators Brother D. He is a freaking beast! He is my first hard woork conversion. I mean all converts are hard to convert. But let's talk about this particular convert. Ok first WORD OF WISDOM : so yeah Brother D. smoked about two packs a day when we first met him along with the fact that all the time when we would come to visit him he would be hardcore drunk also drank coffee but everyone here drinks coffee. Needless to say this required lots of life changes. ATTITUDE: Yeah so when we first started teaching I remember kinda thinking like "Ummm is this worth it?" because he was straight up one of the most sarcastic people I've ever met. OTHER PROBLEMS: So yeah, along with that he would straight up spend all day on the computer and he didn't have a job like super unmotivated. He had some Law Of Chastit y stuff nothing huge but I mean it was law of chastity so still a big deal. But slowly b...